Develop a methodology and strategy for managing public resources, increase the use of IT tools in energy efficiency and to define projects and interventions, is the goal of this project, in order to improve management of public resources and the implementation of the strategy of energy efficiency in public buildings...
Underwater archaeological sites sre attractive for tourists, but there is the need to plan a sustainable and responsible model of tourism development in coastal and island areas of the Mediterran. Through this project will be carried out activities of planning, testing and management of underwater museums, diving parks, etc., for the purposes of evaluation and protection of underwater natural and cultural sites...
Natural systems in coastal areas with high touristic pressure facing effects due to climate change. How to become aware of this problem and promote cooperation to resolve it? Threats and opportunities for such co-evolution will be analysed through this project and addressed at Mediterranean scale...
The benefits of olive oil have been known since ancient times, used for centuries as a food and as a medicine, and also as a tourist attraction. Some destinations are famous just for its olive oil, which has become a recognizable brand...
The main objective of the project is to promote the transnational networks of rural tourist routes through several hiking itineraries throughout Europe, in order to create an alternative to mass tourism based on the model of "sun and sea" and high concentrations of visitors to specific locations.
The socio-economic impact of tourism is extraordinary and urban tourism, but it brings at the same time a range of negative externalities, including high levels of unsustainable resource consumption and waste production. In comparison with other cities, tourist cities have to face additional challenges related to waste prevention and management.